About - Dr. Farokh Master

Dr. Farokh Master is a renowned homeopath with over 40 years of experience. He is known for his expertise in treating acute and chronic conditions, including neurological illnesses, cancer, and mental health concerns.

Dr. Master’s journey into homeopathy began in 1976 when he left his studies at a conventional medical school to join Bombay Homeopathic Medical College. He quickly excelled in his studies, graduating at the top of his class and earning the most coveted silver and gold medals. He was also honored by the then Governor of Maharashtra for his outstanding medical career.

After graduating, Dr. Master began teaching homeopathy at Bombay Homeopathic Medical College and other institutions in India and abroad. He also established his own homeopathic practice, the Homeopathic Health Center (HHC), which has grown to become one of the largest and most respected homeopathic clinics in the world.

Dr. Master is a pioneer in the field of homeopathy. He has developed new treatment protocols for a wide range of conditions, and his work has helped to bridge the gap between homeopathy and conventional medicine. He is also a prolific writer and speaker, and his books and lectures have inspired and educated homeopaths around the world.

Some of Dr. Master's notable accomplishments include:

  • Establishing homeopathic out-patient departments in many allopathic hospitals
  • Introducing homeopathy as part of the mainstream treatment in private and government sectors
  • Developing new treatment protocols for neurological illnesses, cancer, and mental health concerns
  • Pioneering the use of Iscador therapy with homeopathy in terminal cases of cancer
  • Originating many recent new approaches and insights in homeopathy

Dr. Master is a true leader in the field of homeopathy. His dedication to his patients and his commitment to advancing the practice of homeopathy have made a significant impact on the lives of countless people around the world.

Teaching Experience


  • Bombay Homoeopathic Medical College, Department of Internal Medicine University
  • Junior Lecturer – Aug. 1980
  • Lecturer – Feb. 1982
  • Asst. Professor – Aug. 1987
  • Professor – June 1989
  • Visiting Professor at various medical Colleges, Jaipur, Delhi, Calcutta, Saurashtra, Rajasthan, Trivandrum Universities
  • Conducted diploma course for Homoeopathic doctors at Bombay Hospital in subject of Critical Care Medicine

Teaching Experience


  • Hon. Visiting Professor of Homoeopathy
  • Hahnemann College of Homoeopathy (U.K.)
  • Classical College of Homoeopathy (U.K.)
  • London College of Homoeopathy (U.K.)
  • Practical College of Homoeopathy (U.K.)
  • Regents College of Homoeopathy (U.K.)
  • Purton College of Homoeopathy (U.K.)
  • Hahnemann College of Homoeopathy (Los Angeles)
  • Hahnemann College of Homoeopathy (Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada)
  • International Academy of Homoeopathy (York University, Toronto, Canada)
  • Slovak Society of Homoeopathy (Bratislava University, Slovakia)
  • Osterrichsche Gesellschaft Fur Homoeopathische Medizin (Austria)
  • Magyar Homoeopata Orvosi Egyesulet (Hungary)
  • Small Poland Homoeopathic Physicians Association, (Krakow Poland)
  • Norsk Akademi for Naturmedisin (Oslo Norway)
  • Greek Homoeopathic Doctors Association, (Theasaloniki, Greece)
  • Cyprus Homoeopathic Doctors Association (Nicossia, Cyprus)
  • Malaysian Homoeopathic Doctors Association, (Kuala Lampur, Malaysia)
  • Nederlandse Vereniging van Klassiek Homeopaten (Netherlands)
  • Homoeopathic Forum, Munich (Germany)
  • Homoeopathic Forum, Gauting (Germany)


  • First Indian to be honoured with the title “Master of Homoeopathy” by Aaron Kenneth Ward Atherton, Lord of Witley Hurcott, Chief Patron on September 26, 2008, At the Cholmondeley Room, House of Lords, UK.
  • First Indian to introduce Homeopathy in Allopathic Modern Hospitals and Private Sectors viz. Bombay Hospital, KEM Hospital, Ruby Hall Hospital and Private Sector viz. Tata Group of Companies, Associated Cement Companies, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Nuclear Corporation of India and Times Group.
  • First Indian to be appreciated by handwritten letter from Mr. Charles Tankard Hahnemann, the 6th generation from the family of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy in August 2007.
  • Honorary Doctorate in Homoeopathy awarded by Pioneer University, UK in April 2006
  • First Indian to be recognized and appreciated for his contribution in Homoeopathy by Homeopatas Puros, A.C. Escuela Homeopatas Puros, Guadalajara, Mexico in 2004.
  • Certificate of Merit awarded by Dr. Michael Lorenz in recognition of Homeopathic Health Centre as an important centre for Iscador Therapy in India in September 1997.
  • Certificate of Recognition for contribution in the field of Homoeopathy was presented by International Academy of Homoeopathy and Ontario Homoeopathic Doctors Association on 18th October 1995.
  • First doctor from India to become Fellow of United Kingdom Homoeopathic Doctors Association in 1993.
  • First doctor from India to pass successfully the post graduate course of studies in the principles and practice of Homoeopathic Medicine held in the year 1991.


  • Fellow, Registered Counsel of Homeopathy, UK, 2007
  • Gold Medal for First M.D. of the Country By Hahnemann Foundation, Bombay in January 2000
  • Gold Medal for standing First Class First in M.D By Hahnemann Foundation, Bombay, November 1999.
  • Doctor of Medicine from University of Rajasthan. Passed M.D. in Aug.1994. Got distinction. Stood First Class Firstin the University. Got highest marks in all principle and subsidiary subjects.
  • Post Graduation Completed and qualified the Post Graduate Course of studies in the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathic Medicine held in the year 1991 from Hahnemann Postgraduate Institute of Homoeopathy, London, October 1991.
  • Fellow, The U.K. Homoeopathic Medical Association, 13 May 1990
  • Certificate Course. Completed Certificate Course in Iscador Therapy and Anthroposophical Medicine from Lukas Klinik, Arlesheim, Switzerland in1985 and since then, regularly going to upgrade the recent advances in Iscador Therapy.
  • Felicitated with Medal at Birla Kreda Kendra, Chowpatty, Girgaon, Bombay, by his Excellency Shri Sadiq Ali, the Governor of Maharashtra in 1980 for outstanding medical career, standing first class first in all the years from Bombay and Pune in final examinations of II L.C.E.H. III L.C.E.H. part I II.
  • Awarded Dr. Dadiba Banaji Gold Medal for securing highest aggregate marks in III L.C.E.H. Part I II, Lions Club of Juhu Cash Prize for Surgery, Dr. S. R. Wadia Silver Medal for securing highest marks in Homoeopathic Materia Medica in January 1980
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